Monday, October 17, 2016

My (Underground) American Dream

** This is my own opinion and words of this book. I was giving a copy in return of my honest review.**

I was not really sure I was going to like or even get into a book like this.  Boy, I was wrong and I read this book in three days.  I really got into this true story.  This is her true story as an undocumented immigrant that became a Wall Street Executive.  This story is a very aspiring story for anyone to read, but for women and immigrants.  Everyone is able to achieve and get everything they need and want.

There was a time, it seems, when if Mexico were to pay for the wall of Donald Trump’s dreams, the government might have approached the Arce family for a loan. Though not in the Carlos Slim category, the author’s mother, for instance, “was responsible for putting Taxco silver on the map all over the United States.” Small wonder, perhaps, that Arce grew up with an entrepreneurial spirit. That spirit alone was not enough to secure her a berth on the lumbering ship that is America; the dramatic heart of the book is a series of episodes when, having landed a very high-powered, very remunerative gig on Wall Street, Arce suffers panic attacks while waiting for the day when her fellow suits, to say nothing of la Migra, discover that she doesn’t have a green card. “I tried to blend in as much as I could,” she writes, “and in the process I lost so much of myself, of my culture, of my Mexican-ness. In that regard, I am a recovering American elitist.” Arce writes from an unusual position; we have plenty of chronicles of crossings by campesinos but none by a country clubber. The author’s travails and turmoils eventually resulted in her leaving Wall Street, two years after getting her papers, to work for immigrant rights (“God—use me,” she implores in an overwrought moment, a tone that, sadly, isn’t an exception). They also resulted in this book, which, though doubtless well-intended, doesn’t pack a lot of punch: “The plight of undocumented immigrants in this country is currently a hot topic again,” she rightly notes, but her engagement is too narrowly circumscribed to speak much to the experiences of the less privileged.

What does an undocumented immigrant look like?

 What kind of family must she come from?

 How could she get into this country?

What is the true price she must pay to remain in the United States? 

If you are curious by any of those questions then just stop HERE and grab yourself a copy.  This book would be a great gift, also!

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