A new year is a great time to reset your internal clocks, re-calibrate your settings, and re-chart your course. There’s something encouraging and natural about using a fresh calendar page to make new goals in your life, which is why new year’s resolutions are so popular.
As you already know the New Year will be here soon. We all either go to parties, have parties, travel somewhere to celebrate or hang out at home with the family. I usually make some food, a variety of it and hang at home with the family. Now a days we rent some movies and curl up with my husband and watch some horror movies. Yes, you read that right, we love horror. I do change the channel and we do watch the ball drop.
Now the whole other point of New Year's Eve are your resolutions that we all make every year. Now do you all stick to them or maybe start and then fizzle out. I usually make a few and if I am lucky I keep one. I try not to make outrageous resolutions because I never will keep them.

I’m in favor on new year’s resolutions – but why not also use the turn of the clock to reflect on this past year? Before deciding on how you want 2016 to be different than 2015, take a moment with your journal and answer some – or all – of these questions.
These questions that are listed below can be helpful in digging deeper into personal reflection, or they can be icebreakers between you and your spouse for a New Year’s Eve conversation. However you want to use them – use them to your benefit.
Now here are some of the Reflection questions that I will be answering myself. You are welcome to join in and answer them. These are just some normal questions that we might think about on our own and they can help us when we are starting the year 2016. AS I am writing the questions I will write my answers to them. I think it will be great to share. I am hoping maybe you will join in and write some of your answers in the comment. This would be a great way to see how each of us are doing.
What was the single best thing that happened this past year?
* I would have to say my writing.
What was the single most challenging thing that happened?
* Trying to get a kidney transplant (still working on it).
Pick three words to describe 2015.
* Interesting, Eventful, Happy
With whom were your most valuable relationships?
* My husband ( Hector), My best friend ( Tanya) and my other friend (Laureen).
What was your biggest personal change from January to December of this past year?
* My look (mainly my hair style), the biggest I would have to say is my attitude on life.
What was the most enjoyable area of managing your home?
* I would have to say when I redid the whole house. Like clean and get ride of clutter, change rooms around and got some new things.
What was the best way you used your time this past year?
* Creating contacts for my blogging and creating my First ever Holiday Gift Guide (still working on my HGG). Can be seen here: http://blogjob.com/pickyreviewgirl/2015/11/17/welcome-to-my-2015-holiday-gift-guide/
What was the biggest thing you learned this past year?
* I would have to say creating gift guides, making contact forms, giveaways and some blogging tips.
Create a phrase or statement that describes 2008 for you.
* Is if I take the time to learn I will be more complete. Also, if you hang on to anger you will never be happy.
Well I hope this all helps you when the year 2016 comes. Like I said write down and answer these questions it might help you in the new year. If you would like share some or all of your answers, share away I would love to read them.
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