Well here is the first real post in my Monthly Pet Guide. I am very excited that I am able to create this awesome Pet Guide for all my readers and any new visitors that might come to take a look. I am also very proud that all of these awesome Pet product companies are joining in and letting me review their products for all of you.
Well enough of all the chit chat and on to the first product review that I have for you all. Here we go.........
If you never heard of " Your Pet Chef" then let me introduce them to you. They are a company that personalizes meals for our dogs. They do only use 100% USA human grade ingredients, they prepare the individual packaged meals for your pet. If your pet is over loved like mine are and got alot of treats, then these are great for your dog. The last thing is that they carry a wide variety of meals, o your dog does not get bored with it.
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My Heart Beets For You |
A simple, hand prepared treat to celebrate 2 events during February. First up, Heart Health Awareness Month. This goes for dogs too. Many breed suffer from chronic heart conditions and simple changes to diet and exercise can help improve their quality of life (just like people). Second is Valentine's Day. This special treat is red in color and perfect to share with your 4 legged sweet heart.
We use ground chicken, beets, and apple in these treats. Like all of our products, these ingredients are 100% USA human grade. We get them freeze dried at a local supplier that is USDA approved (daily inspections!)
I was very surprised when I opened the sample package up. I have 2 dogs and 1 is a small dog and the other one is a big dog. I read all the information they sent me on their products. I broke one in half and off to the dogs for testing. This was definitely something that they never had before. My big dog of course took it and ate it right up. My little dog took it and carried it to the room (like he always does) and chomped on it. So I take they LOVED this product. The feeling was exactly like a dried product. It really was amazing.
These treats are made the same way as their food protein meals. These treats are great for training or rewards. These are very easy to make into smaller treats or rewards if that is what you want to do. I do that so I can make them last longer.
These are truly food, not just a treat.They simply dehydrate these bars so these are still technically raw.
I personally break them up and both of my dogs love it.
Now this is the best sampler pack that you can get for your fur babies. This is a pack of all their products in one place. Their are four different flavors and types of raw food bars.
These are also very easy to break, they are dried raw food bars. These are very nutritional for our dogs.
Your dog needs to have nutrition in their diets and this is the best way. I found that out when I had the opportunity to test and review these great products form Your Pet Chef.
The other great part of this is that you are able to get is this really awesome Your Pet Chef insulated bag. It is very light-weight, brightness in color and can actually fit quite a bit.
As you can see that the insulated bag is very roomy. I found that it does it job really well. It had kept our soda, water (for the dogs) and food cold when we went hiking through the nature trails with our fur babies.
So just ask yourself one thing. Are your dogs a serious part of your family? if you answer yes then head on over to, Your Pet Chef, and grab them some of these very nutritional treats for them atleast. Watch on how these will make your dogs act more nutritional. They will love it and you will too.
Bringing a new puppy into your home?
Before you get a new puppy, make sure you know exactly what kind of puppy to look for and how to raise and train him.
Deciding Which Type of Puppy
The breed, type, size, activity level, hair color, hair length, and gender of your prospective puppy are personal choices and best left entirely up to you and your family. You will probably have read lots of well-meaning advice from pet professionals that advise you, for example, not to get certain breeds if you have children, not to get large dogs if you live in an apartment, and not to get active dogs in the city. In reality, all breeds and types of dogs can be wonderful or problematic with children. It very much depends on whether or not the puppy was trained how to act around children and the children were taught how to act around the puppy. Because of their lower activity levels, large dogs adapt more quickly to apartment living than little dogs. Big dogs just take up more space. And active dogs can live in cities just as active people live in cities. In fact, city dogs tend to be walked and exercised more than suburban dogs. In the long run, it will be you who will be living with your puppy and teaching it to adjust to your lifestyle and living arrangement.
Selecting Your Individual Puppy
It is vital however, in your puppy search that you know how to evaluate whether your prospective puppy is physically and mentally healthy. Research your prospective puppy's lineage to confirm that his grandparents and great-grandparents all lived to a ripe old age, and to check how many of his doggy family suffered from breed-specific problems. Long life is the best indicator of overall physical and behavioral health and the best predictor that your puppy will have a long life expectancy. Research well and most of all, please take your decision to get a puppy seriously. Each year, several million dogs are abandoned, given to shelters and are euthanize, almost entirely because easily preventable and utterly predictable puppy problems were allowed to develop into much more difficult to resolve adult behavior, training and temperament problems. Train your new puppy and you will have a well behaved, lovable, forever family member!
Meet my big dog, Jasmine. She is a lovable, caring watch dog. She is very protective of me and that is why I wanted to get her. She is half German Shepard and half Black Lab. As of right now she is one year and 3 months old.
Now here is my mall dog, Brownie. He has been with me for almost 5 years now. He literally has been through everything with me. Brownie is really seriously just like my baby. Yes, I did that. He is half Chihuahua and half Shitzu.
Now this is the end of January's monthly Pet Guide Post. It is just starting out and lots more to come each and every month. So I am hoping you will come back and check out the new reviews and articles that are posted each month.
I would love to try something for next month since it will be February. I would love to do a Valentine photo collage. Yes you read it right. We all love to dress up our pets in cute little things, well I do. Since it will be Valentine's Day, dress up your pet (any pet you have, does not only have to be dogs), snap that cute picture and email to here: debchampagne70@gmail.com before 2/17/16.
** Include in subject line: V-day picture. In the email include the pet's name and age.**
I am looking forward to seeing some cute pictures. If this works out good I will be holding a photo contests with prizes for your pets.